Creative Europe Desk Slovenia


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Center Ustvarjalna Evropa v Sloveniji
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Past events

The Creative Europe Desk Slovenia (CED Slovenia) is run by the Motovila Institute. It was established in January 2014 as a national information office for promotion of the EU Creative Europe programme (2014–2020) that supports cultural and audiovisual sectors. It performs the tasks of the former CCP Slovenia and Media Desk Slovenia.

European Union House 2017 Creative Europe Desk Slovenia event.jpgCreative Europe Desk Slovenia event at European Union House, 2017.


CED Slovenia is responsible for promotion of the programme’s achievements on the national level as well as providing information to sectors’ representatives in order to facilitate their access to Creative Europe opportunities available within the two sub-programmes (Culture and MEDIA) and the cross-sectoral strand.

Moreover, the CED provides assistance in finding international partners and co-producers, and offers technical support and professional training in order to stimulate cross-border cooperation and networking in the cultural and creative sectors.

EU Funding infographics

In 2013, the teams of Motovila/CED Slovenia and initiated a still on-going data mining and interoperability project resulting in interactive EU Funding infographics (accompanied by analyses and comparative researches) representing data related to the EU funding for culture, film and audiovisual sectors raised by Slovene organisations since 2002 onward.

Motovila Institute

CED Slovenia operates within Motovila, Centre for the Promotion of Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and is a member of the European network of CED offices in 39 European countries. The Motovila team has many years of experience in advising the sector also from the former CCP Slovenia and Media Desk Slovenia.

See also

External links
